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Event Calendar: [View Summary] [Jump to Current Week]   Filter:
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< December January 2025
February >
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat
Nordic Day: Whiskey Jack, Pocatera, Lynx, Amos, Wheeler (D5[12/9/0])
Nordic Day: Blueberry - Kananaskis (D4[12/6/0])
Nordic Day: BANFF ON D1: Canmore Nordic Center (D3[20/13/0])

Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Banff Park Lodge Midweek (D3[20/13/0])
Nordic Day: BANFF ON D2 Protection Mountain - Baker Creek area (D3[15/12/0])

Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Banff Park Lodge Midweek
Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Banff Park Lodge Midweek
Nordic Day: Bragg Creek - Iron Springs - CANCELLED (D3[8/6/0])
Training: Ski training - Confederation Park (D3[10/8/0])
Nordic Day: PLPP - Middle Trails (D3[10/2/0])
Nordic Day: ENGADINE ON D1: Elk Pass (D4[12/7/0])

Nordic Day: ENGADINE ON D1: Hercules Loop via Watridge L. Trail (D4[10/8/0])

Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Mount Engadine Lodge Midweek (D3[16/16/0])

Snowshoe Day: ENGADINE ON D1: Chester Lake & Elephant Rocks Snowshoe (D3[10/2/0])
Nordic Day: ENGADINE ON D2 Mount Shark to Bryant Junction (D4[10/7/0])

Nordic Day: ENGADINE ON D2: PLPP - Whiskey jack, Tyrwhitt, Elk pass loop (D5[10/9/0])

Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Mount Engadine Lodge Midweek
Nordic Day: Mount Engadine Lodge to Spray Lake (return) (D3[10/2/0])

Nordic Day: ENGADINE ON D3: Mount Shark Loops (D4[10/2/0])

Nordic Day: ENGADINE ON D3: Burstall Pass hike and ski (D4[8/4/0])

Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Mount Engadine Lodge Midweek
Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Nipika Mountain Resort Midweek (D3[10/10/0])
Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Nipika Mountain Resort Midweek
Nordic Day: FIELD ON: D1 Emerald Lake Alluvial Fan Loop (D3[14/4/0])

Nordic Day: FIELD ON D1: Lake Louise Campground (D2[12/4/0])

Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Field Truffle Pigs Lodge Weekend (D3[20/19/0])

Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Nipika Mountain Resort Midweek
Nordic Day: FIELD ON D2: Kicking Horse Fire Rd (D5[12/6/0])

Nordic Day: FIELD ON D2: Emerald Lake Alluvial Fan Loop (D3[12/4/0])

Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Field Truffle Pigs Lodge Weekend
Nordic Day: FIELD ON D3:Yoho Valley Road (D3[12/13/0])

Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Field Truffle Pigs Lodge Weekend
Nordic Day: Bragg Creek - Trail To be Determined (D3[12/2/0])
Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Lake Louise Inn Weekend (D3[30/16/0])
Overnight Tour Sign-Up: Lake Louise Inn Weekend
: New event (posted in last two days)
: Paid event (event requires pre-payment to the NSC)
: There are photos online for this event
D: Difficulty
R: You are registered for this event (logged-in members only)
W: You are on the waiting list for this event (logged-in members only)
L: You are coordinating this event (logged-in members only)
[99/99/99]: Maximum/Signed Up/Waiting
     (click the second number to see the attendee list)
     (click the third up number to see the waiting list)
Additional Date for an Event
Club Member's Calendar Posting. Log in to Member Area to view details.
< December Calendar By Andwa Consulting February >
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Newest Events

Sun, Feb 9 2025:
Emerald Lake ON D2 Yoho Valley to Kicking Horse/Yoho Rivers (Snowshoe Day)

Fri, Feb 7 2025:
Emerald Lake ON D1 Lakeshore (Snowshoe Day)

Fri, Jan 24 2025:
FIELD ON: D1 Emerald Lake Alluvial Fan Loop (Nordic Day)

Sat, Mar 15 2025:
Troll & Marmot Falls -Hay Meadow Loop President's Day Hike (Snowshoe Day)

Sat, Jan 25 2025:
FIELD ON D2: Kicking Horse Fire Rd (Nordic Day)

Sun, Jan 26 2025:
FIELD ON D3:Yoho Valley Road (Nordic Day)

Sat, Jan 25 2025:
FIELD ON D2: Emerald Lake Alluvial Fan Loop (Nordic Day)

Fri, Jan 24 2025:
FIELD ON D1: Lake Louise Campground (Nordic Day)

Sat, Feb 8 2025:
Emerald Lake ON D3 Kicking Horse Fire Road (Nordic Day)

Thu, May 1 2025:
Test event - do not sign up (Snowshoe Day)

Payment Cut-Off Dates

Wed, Mar 12 2025:
President's Day (Sat, Mar 15 2025)

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